perfectionism is impossible
If you want to be successful in your life, then learn how to be consistent. Consistent with your actions, consistent with your time, and most importantly, consistent with yourself. The definition of consistency is adhering principles that you set by yourself and hold firmly to them. If you can learn how to apply this throughout your daily life, then you can achieve anything. Too often, perfection becomes the enemy of good or progress. Perfection becomes more important than making progress in the first place. There have been so many times I’ve given up on something because I wasn’t able to do well or as often as I’d like, so I just gave up. This is not how you accomplish a task or goal.
By starting with a small and even insignificant action will always better than not starting at all. The smallest action in the right direction, especially when doing it becomes a habit, is incredibly powerful. The tiniest step in the right direction is better than doing nothing at all. When done consistently, it can move mountains.
“You’re never ready for what you have to do. You just do it. That what makes you ready.
Don’t wait for the perfect time to do something. Don’t stop & start over because you messed up, or you don’t think you’re ready, or you don’t have the time, the money, the resources. There will never be a better time than now. No one cares if you cheated at your diet for one da or if you only start out writing ten words a day in the novel that’s been inside you for a decade.
The secret is getting started
Don’t focus on going 0 to 100. Focus on going 0 to 10, then 10 to 20, then 20 to 30, and so on until you get to 100. Build sustainable habits through progression.
Stretching for 1 minute is better than not stretching at all.
Meditating for 2 minutes is better than not meditating at all.
Reading 3 pages of a book is better than not reading at all.
Practicing a skill for 4 minutes a day is better than not practicing at all.
Walking for 5 minutes a day is better than not walking at all.
Cleaning one room is better than not cleaning at all.
Eating non organic fruits or vegetables is better than not eating any fruits and vegetables at all.
You get the idea. Even the smallest actions will compound and add up over time. This is how you achieve your goals, by getting started and doing a little bit everyday. Start small and slow. Put a timer on your phone for a few minutes and just get started. This helps to get you started and even gain momentum.
Slow and steady wins the race
One of the main reasons why people don’t have what they want is because they are not consistent with the actions required to achieve their goals. It’s easy to set goals or draw out a plan to get there. The toughest part comes when you need to execute your plan through actdion and you don’t feel like doing it. Newsflash, you will never feel like doing somehitng and if you wait, then you’ll be waiting forever. Mel Robbins says “motivation is garbage" because we assume that we need to feel ready in order to change something or get started. Newsflash, you’re going to feel like it. It’s just a delay mechanism or procrastination. Do something over and over until it becomes a part of who you are. You get in life what you have the courage to commit to.