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The outbreak, which began in Wuhan, China, has sickened more than a million people. The most important question is why?

In late December of 2019, the Coronavirus, surfaced in a Chinese seafood and poultry market. The CDC has already warned us that 3 out of 4 new or emerging infectious diseases in people come from animals, while the WHO, FAO and OIE have previously stated that increased demand for animal protein is one of the main risk factors of a pandemic. The Coronavirus was deemed COVID-19 by the CDC, which is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person but most importantly, it is zoonotic, meaning that it was transmitted initially between animals and people. Within a matter of months, the virus restricted travel, imposed nationwide lockdowns, cancelled events, temporary closed businesses, and put well over 10 million Americans out of work and will continue to rise over the summer. This pandemic has truly changed life as we know it in 2020.


what is a virus?

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Our bodies are designed in such a way to fight off any pathogens (foreign chemistry) and work in harmony with nature.

A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that is made of proteins and nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) that bonds to living cells of an organism and replicates to create an immune response. Viruses can infect all types of life forms and have a reputation for being the cause of contagion. They can even be engineered in laboratories and used without our knowing to be used as biological warfare.



The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19. COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus.

Symptoms include:

  • Fever

  • Tiredness

  • Dry cough

  • Body aches

  • Pain

  • Nasal congestion or runny nose

  • Sore throat

  • Diarrhea

These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don't feel ill. Most people (about 80%) recover within a few weeks without needing any special treatment. Older people, and those with preexisting underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness. People with fever, cough and difficulty breathing should definitely seek medical attention.


where dId it come from?


“3 out of every 4 new or emerging infectious diseases in people come from animals.” -Center for Disease Control

It is estimated that each year 72 billion land animals and 2.7 trillion sea animals are killed for food. The majority of the animals that we raise for food live short and miserable lives in overcrowded factory farms, which are a breeding ground for disease, including emerging pathogens and virulent strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Human beings have only been on this Earth for millions of years but for most of human evolution there were no epidemic diseases. No one got the measles because the measles didn’t exist. No one got smallpox, the flu, or even the common cold until about 10,000 years ago when we started domesticating animals. “When we brought animals in the barnyard, they brought their diseases with them,” says Dr. Greger from

When we domesticated…
🐄 Cows: we got measles
🐖 Pigs: we got whopping cough
🐓 Chickens: we got typhoid fever
🐫 Camels: we got smallpox
🦆 Ducks: we got influenza
🐃 Water buffalo: we got leprosy
🐎 Horses: we got the common cold

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“Increased demand for animal protein is one of the main risk factors of a pandemic.” -CDC, WHO, FAO, and OIE

Animal agriculture has already incited global pandemics like H1N1, which was initially called “Swine flu” because it was linked to a similar disease in pigs. Meanwhile, farms in the US consume about 80% of the antibiotics supply and such frequent use has come at a price. Antibiotic-resistant superbugs are on the rise with more than 2 million people in the US now contract drug-resistant infections annually. Moving away from the use of non-human animals will greatly lower the risk of future outbreaks of unknown zoonotic diseases, and save not only non-human animal lives, but those of countless thousands of humans.


the immune system


Toxic bodies are more susceptible to foreign pathogens and disease.

The immune system protects and defends our body against disease or other potentially damaging foreign chemistry. When it’s functioning properly, the immune system identifies and eliminates viruses, bacteria, and parasites from the body to avoid infection and disease. This process is called detoxification.

Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells and two major fluids, the blood system and the lymphatic system. When we eat, we eliminate waste through our colon, but we tend to forget that our trillions of cells also eat and eliminate waste as well. The blood only makes up about 1/4 of our bodily fluids, but the lymphatic system accounts for about 3/4 of our interstitial fluids. The great lymphatic system is essentially our bodies gigantic sewer or immune system.

The lymphatic system is a lipid based mucousy fluid that lines your mouth, your sinuses, your gut, and your lungs. The hundreds of lymph nodes are like septic tanks which are full of immune cells which take care of any damaged cells and bacteria. What is the role of bacteria in our bodies? To break down sewage. So what happens if your septic tank is full or breaks down? It reabsorbs into our body creating dis-ease within the body making us susceptible to pathogens such as unhealthy bacteria, parasites and viruses.

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People do not die directly from cold & flu like symptoms. They die from the suppression of these symptoms and lack of elimination.

Whenever we experience cold and flu like symptoms, our body is simply trying to rid itself of mucous, acids, and cellular waste through the four channels of elimination: breath, kidneys, colon, and our skin (our largest organ). People do not die directly form cold & flu like symptoms, they die from the treatment and suppression of these symptoms simply because their body is not eliminating properly. So how do you avoid getting sick? Create the proper conditions for your body to release and eliminate cellular waste as best as it can to give yourself a chance at a healthy life!


boost your immune system

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The majority of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.

Follow these lifestyle recommendations if you want to improve your health and support your immune system as much as you can and to further prevent disease and illness, even if you contract a virus. Health begins with the lifestyle you live.

  • Drink enough water (a minimum of at least 2 liters- more if you are active) and eat high water content fruits first thing in the morning (such as melons or citrus). 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

  • Eat a plant based diet with an emphasis on fruits and raw living foods foods such as melons, berries, citrus, grapes, apples, papaya, kiwi, and tender leafy green vegetables. These foods are full of life giving vitamins, minerals, and nutrients which also promote detoxification, elimination, and the reversal of disease.

  • Incorporate herbal botanicals everyday such as ginger, turmeric, echinacea, nettle, elderberry, oregano, calendula, cat’s claw, licorice root, etc.

  • Go vegan and stop eating animals and their secretions. It’s cruel and negatively impacts your health as well as the environment over time.

  • Do not smoke including marijuana (take a CBD supplement if you need to). Smoking is carcinogenic to the body no matter what you smoke. Cut out all alcohol and any hallucinogens as well. Trying to escape reality or the present moment does not support your health.

  • Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours (or more if you need it) and reduce your stress levels. Resting promotes recovery.

  • Move your body, breathe deeply, and get your body sweating. You can do this by playing sports, jogging or running long distance, practicing yoga, or rebounding on a trampoline. This helps to stimulate your lymphatic system to keep everything moving along.

  • Simplify your life and de-stress. This means cutting out toxic people, jobs, and behaviors. Declutter your surroundings and keep your life simplistic so you can appreciate what you already have.

  • Get an annual checkup and physical every year to track your health. If you don’t have health insurance, then at least test yourself with Let’s Get Checked to see where your levels are at.


self care

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1 in 4 people will experience mental illness every year.

5% of adults (18 or older) will experience a mental illness in any one year, which equivalent to 43.8 million people. I too have suffered with mental illness in the past but was able to recover by changing my diet, lifestyle, and thought patterns. Worldwide events such as a pandemic can exacerbate underlying mental health conditions so if you are dealing with a mental illness, please follow these tips to support yourself and hold on. This world needs you.

  • Schedule and plan out your day, especially if you have children. Plan your meals ahead of time so you know exactly what you’re going to eat and list off essential tasks you need to accomplish during the day (even if it’s as simple as taking a shower, making a meal, or cleaning a room). Start with the bare essentials and go from there. Make sure to include some fun and relaxing time as well.

  • Express yourself and how you truly feel. Holding it in only delays the problem which builds up over time. Talk to a friend or family member who you can trust. If you are alone, then consult an expert at for online therapy. Remember, you are never alone.

  • Turn off the TV, computer, your phone, and/or temporary delete certain social media apps if you spend too much time on them. Repeatedly hearing about the pandemic can be upsetting for some. If you are in fear more than you are enjoying life, then the type of content that you’re exposing yourself to is not beneficial. It’s called television “programming” and social media “influence” for a reason. You’re in charge of what you see and hear.

  • Minimize stress by focusing on deep breathing & breath work throughout the day. Try meditation and different relaxation techniques that resonate best with you. If you do not feel confident meditating on your own, then follow a guided meditation on YouTube or purchase an audiobook. Louise Hay and Caroline Myss are some of my favorites.

  • Listen to sound therapy such as binaural beats. I play this in the background during my meditations or when I’m working. Over time it will shift and raise your vibration throughout the day. Try it out!

  • Practice mindfulness. Observe, don’t absorb. This includes your thoughts. Focus your awareness on the present moment. If a negative thought arises, challenge it. Ask it questions. Counteract it with a positive affirmation.

  • Read or speak positive affirmations out loud. Here are some of my favorites.

  • Journal your thoughts and experiences. Create a gratitude list. Start small at maybe 5 or 10 things a day. Go back and read the list and see how wonderful your life really is!

  • Read a book to shift your attention and learn something new. Here is a list of my favorite books.

  • Play a board or card game with your family or children. Interacting with others

  • Move your body. Negative energy is stagnant so when you move, you can break this up. It doesn’t need to be a crazy HIIT workout, just a quick 10 minute brisk walk is all you need to

Need help or know someone who does?

If you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions such as sadness, depression, or anxiety, and feel like you want to harm yourself or others, please:


what to buy

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Food is truly the most effective form of medicine that we can give our body.

How I shop for a pandemic is not much different from how I normally shop. Think wholesale and buying your food items in bulk (not toilet paper). Most people would think to stock up on the pantry and shelf items, which you certainly can do, but if you want to give yourself the most protection from a virus and improve your immune system, you want the buy the healthiest foods on the planet which always start with fresh fruits, herbs, and vegetation of the Earth.

In order of importance, purchase these foods:

  • Fresh fruits

  • Frozen fruits

  • Dried fruits

  • Fruit juices

  • Herbs & sprouts

  • Fresh vegetables

  • Frozen vegetables

  • Nuts & seeds

  • Hard squash

  • Colored potatoes

  • Wild rice (actually a grass, not a grain)

  • Dried beans & legumes to sprout or cook

  • Whole grains such as quinoa, millet, buckwheat, oats, corn, rice, etc.

  • Whole food supplements (only if you are low or deficient)

What to buy for your household:

  • Natural hand soap such as Dr. Bronner’s

  • Detergent (the brands I use are Booda Butter or Seventh Generation)

  • Isopropyl alcohol, witch hazel, hydrogen peroxide, aloe, and essential oils to make your own hand sanitizer.

  • Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide together are a good natural stain remover.

  • A water filtration system or fill up a reusable bottle from your local water store

  • A bidet to save toilet paper

  • First aid kit


how to protect yourself

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The best way to prevent illness along with boosting your immune system is to avoid being exposed and avoid spreading it.

To protect yourself from exposure and help prevent spreading the virus to others you need to improve upon your personal highgenie and respect the space of others.

  • Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, with soap.

  • Use an alcohol based sanitizer. You can easily make your own sanitizer using isopropyl or ethanol alcohol (at least 60%) along with witch hazel, glycerin, aloe, and essential oils such as peppermint or lavender.

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze.

  • Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell.

  • Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick and stay home if you are sick.

  • Clean and disinfect all surfaces including your phone on a daily basis.

In the video above, Dr. Samir Gupta explains why most people are better off washing their hands with soap and water than wearing gloves for protection against COVID-19. Wearing disposable gloves is simply a false sense of security, it’s wasteful to our environment, and takes away from the need of health care workers.


how to help businesses


There is a lot of uncertainty when it comes to dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. A good handful of states and cities have even closed down restaurants and stores in an attempt to slow down the spread of the virus. Not only are small business owners worried about the future of their establishments, but the servers, bartenders, cooks and retail employees are also worried about how they will pay bills for the next few weeks. Below are a few tips on how we can support our local economies and small businesses.

  • Support small, local businesses instead of only buying at large chains.

  • Buy local produce from small farms and farmers markets.

  • Order carryout or delivery and ask if any restaurants offer meal kits.

  • Purchase a gift card or gift certificate from the business to use in the future.

  • Purchase any merchandise or classes that they have for sale on their website.

  • Share about the business online and spread the word to others for them.

  • Consider donating if you are financially able to do so.




Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, AIDS, and the flu are still more deadly than Coronavirus.

Yes, the Coronavirus is serious since it has spread extremely fast, but it is being contained and the majority of people who contracted are healing from it. The more important question we should be asking ourselves is how come we’re not bringing as much attention and awareness to lifestyle related diseases that have caused even more deaths in humans such as heart disease? Can we even trust the numbers we’re being given from organizations and news outlets?

One of the reasons why we’re seeing such high Coronavirus deaths is because in cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID-19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or like, it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificates ‘probable or ‘presumed”. This means that if you are in hospice dying of an unrelated disease or illness and you display symptoms without a test or diagnosis, then the death would be changed to COVID-19 as the cause. This is stated as acceptable on the CDC website.


COVID-19 deaths are linked to underlying health problems which is actually good news. Studies show that we can prevent most cases of chronic illnesses like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s just by eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones. Pre-existing conditions such as being overweight greatly increase your risk. Almost 2/3 of critically ill coronavirus patients are overweight the NHS reveals.


Stay positIvE


We will get through this!

The situation is improving and people are recovering. The majority of those who are infected have mild cases. A family member of mine who is a nurse for elderly patients was infected last month but has since recovered completely (thanks to a plant based diet and lots of fruits).

Luckily the virus can be effectively inactivated from surfaces with a solution of ethanol (62-71% alcohol), hydrogen peroxide (0.5% hydrogen peroxide) and/or sodium hypochlorite (0.1% bleach) in under one minute.

Fear, panic, and worry does nothing in these types of situations. We have control. Focus on making the right kind of choices and changes to improve your diet and lifestyle. Stressing out only negatively impacts your immune system. People in a constant fear are susceptible to control and manipulation so recognize that you are in control of your health and your life moving forward.


thank you

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“When people come together around a common vision, they can accomplish great things. We need the instruments that pull our people together, not apart.” -N. Thompson

Thank you to all of the health care and medical workers, first responders, sanitary workers, farmers, factory workers, civil service employees, mail carriers, truckers and delivery drivers, utility workers, grocery store employees, non-profit workers, therapists, healers, and most importantly, everyone who is working to keep us going during this difficult time.


A final word

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Now is not the time for fear or panic, it’s time for change and action. Nothing should go back to normal. Normal wasn’t working for us.

If we go back to the way things were, then we will have lost a lesson. Lets rise up and do better! We need to make healthy changes in our society and in our everyday lives. Let’s make this “pause” count and remind ourselves what truly matters: OUR HEALTH and the health of the entire PLANET because without it, we would not be able to truly live and enjoy our life. Take care of yourself so you can help others to as well. This is why we are all here together, to lift each other up when we need it the most. Let this truth set us free!

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Nothing in nature lives for itself.

Rivers don’t drink their own water. Trees don’t eat their own fruit. The sun doesn’t shine for itself. A flower’s fragrance is not for itself. Living for each other is the rule of nature. Healing is always found within nature.




Take responsibility for your health and your own life!

The information and opinions expressed on this website are based on my personal beliefs, real life experiences along with years of research and education. I am not offering any medical advice. I am advocating a healthy lifestyle based on personal experience and knowledge. Always consult with your personal physician before making any dietary changes, especially if you are currently taking any medications. I am not a medical professional and make no medical claims or promise any "cures". I am here to remind people to take responsibility for their own actions and empower themselves to both change and heal their own life!

With love, ginger.jpeg