This is a friendly reminder that if you are not in fact a baby calf, then you probably should not be drinking baby calf growth fluid. The fluid from a lactating mother cow is intended to grow her 65 pound baby calf to a 700 pound steer. There are so many other healthier and delicious options to replace dairy milk with and that includes plants, the food that comes from the Earth that we were always meant to eat.
This recipe is one of my all time favorites. It is full of electrolytes, antioxidants, and carbohydrates to fuel each and everyone of your cells. It’s creamy and sweet so there is no need to add in any refined sugar. Vegans spell the world “mylk” with a “y” to distinguish between dairy milk.
3-4 bananas (fresh or frozen if you prefer it chilled)
2-3 Young Thai Coconuts (with both the water and meat)
Dates (as many as you desire, I use about 5 dates for every 1 cup of coconut water)
1/2 tbsp vanilla powder or 1/2 of one vanilla bean scraped
A high speed blender is necessary to create the “milkshake” consistency, but you have three options to open up the young thai coconut: The Coco jack, a regular coconut opener (just make sure you can scape of the coconut meat), or a Chinese cleaver. Be extra careful when using sharp objects which is why the Coco Jack is a much safer option.
Place all ingredients into a high speed blender like a Vitamix.
Blend on high for 10-15 seconds or until smooth.
Pour into a mason jar and serve with a reusable straw.
Pour smoothie into a mason jar and drink with a reusable straw.
Save the extra coconut meat in the refrigerator (it will last about 5-7 days max).
benefits of coconut water
Coconut water is the perfect drink. It contains vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, anti oxidants, amino acids, and even Cytokinins. It’s nature’s sports drink since it’s high in potassium. Potassium helps keep fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, especially during exercise. Because there is more potassium than sodium in coconut water, the potassium may help balance out sodium's effect on blood pressure and possibly even help lower it.
benefits of dates
Dates are a super sweet treat packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. All dates, fresh or dried, contain different types of antioxidants. They can even help you to balance your blood sugar and blood pressure due to their high potassium content. Almost one out of five people hospitalized in the United States has a low potassium level. People with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, patients with AIDS, alcoholics, and those who have had bariatric surgery have a higher incidence of hypokalemia than others. Guaranteed these people would feel a little better if they consumed more dates!
ditch the dairy!
"Casein in cows milk is the most relevant cancer promoter ever discovered" -Dr. Colin T. Campbell
Growth hormones can clog your pores, contribute to acne, eczema & psoriasis.
Dairy consumption is linked to chronic disease like osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, etc.
Calcium from milk is poorly absorbed compared to plant based calcium.
Lactose doesn’t digest property leaving people chronically bloated, gassy & sick.
Humans are the only species on the planet that drinks the milk of another species.
Dairy makes losing weight difficult due to high saturated fat content & inflammation.
Packed with saturated fat & cholesterol, it increases cardiovascular disease risk.
There are tastier alternatives such as coconut, almond, hemp & cashew milk.
Dairy is high in fat, cholesterol, and even sodium.
It increases water retention and weight gain.
It contains zero water or fiber.
Extremely mucous forming and contains over 135 million pus cells.
“The purpose of cow’s milk is to turn a 65-pound calf into a 700-pound cow as rapidly as possible. Cow’s milk IS baby calf growth fluid. No matter what you do to it.”
One of the reason’s why cow’s milk is so addictive is due to its 'casomorphin' properties. This is an opiate which is in the same chemical class as heroin. The intention to to bond baby calf to the mother cow so it will continue to drink and grow double it’s body size. Dairy is unhealthy to humans because it has been linked to cancer, diabetes, autism, schizophrenia, auto immune disorders such as MS and contributes to the diabetes epidemic, which will soon affect one in three children. Dairy products earn government subsidies making it less expensive so poor people can afford it. Its nutrients mostly come from the supplements that the cows are fed, which we could easily consume without the added calories, cholesterol, and saturated fat.
Not only is dairy extremely unhealthy but it is also extremely cruel. American dairy farms contribute to the slaughter and death of over 245,000 cows per year. Baby calfs are taken from their mothers just hours after birth to then be confined to tiny calf crates and fed milk replacer. Both cruel, unhealthy, and now unsustainable for our environment. Dairy farms and factories account for huge amounts of CO2 emissions, land degradation, and both water consumption and water contamination.