declare what you want in life
Below is a list of affirmations that have completely changed my life for the better. These were inspired by the wonderful teacher and healer, Louise Hay. My hope in sharing these is to help people become more loving to themselves. Imagine the kind of world we would have if we all loved and approved of ourselves. Love is truly the power that heals.
“What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create.”
Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. Unfortunately most of our self dialogue is negative and does not create positive experiences for us. We need to retrain our thinking and speaking if we want to change our lives and affirmations opens the way and the beginning point of change. Affirmative statements that go beyond your current reality help to plant seeds into a fertile ground to manifest a happy and prosperous life. It is always important to say affirmations in present tense such as I am or I have then express gratitude and praise for receiving. God/Universe takes your thoughts and words literally to help give you exactly what you ask for. This is another reason to always keep a happy and positive mental atmosphere.
“If you could believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy for 8 years, you can believe in yourself for like 5 minutes.”
What is happening outside of your life is simply a mirror and a reflection of your own inner belief system and thinking. The most frightening scenarios are the thoughts we make up in our minds, so choose them wisely. Affirming what you want helps to create miracles in your life so just patient with them and most importantly, have fun with the process! Directions: State the affirmation below silently to yourself or out loud. Bonus points if you say all of these looking in the mirror. Say these consistently each day for at least 30 days for optimum results.
I love myself.
I know how to love myself.
It is easy to love myself.
Loving myself makes me feel good.
I am loved by others.
I am lovable because I exist.
I am grateful for the love I have for myself.
I am grateful that I know how to love myself.
I am grateful how easy it is to love myself.
I am grateful how good loving myself makes me feel.
I am grateful that others love me.
I am so grateful that I exist and am loved because of that.
I approve of myself.
I respect myself.
I am there for myself.
I support myself in all ways.
I am my own best friend.
I trust myself and the process of life.
I am grateful that I approve of myself.
I am grateful that I respect myself.
I am grateful that I am there for myself.
I am grateful that I support myself in all ways.
I am grateful that I am my own best friend.
I am grateful to be able to trust myself and the process of life.
My life is a gift.
I am worthy of love and joy.
I surround myself with positive people who bring out the best in me.
My happiness comes from within.
I have inner peace and harmony.
It is my birthright to be happy and live a fulfilled life
I am grateful that my life is a gift.
I am grateful that I am worthy of love and joy.
I am grateful for the positive people around me who bring out the best in me.
I am grateful that my happiness comes from within.
I am grateful for my inner peace and harmony.
I am grateful for my happy and fulfilled life.
I am filled with joy and there is so much joy in my life.
I am full of praise and gratitude.
I easily solve any problem that is in my life.
I can handle anything that comes my way.
The answer to all of the questions I ask come from within me.
I am thankful that I have a joyous life.
I am thankful to be full of praise and gratitude.
I am thankful that I can solve any problem that is in my life.
I am thankful to be able to handle anything that comes my way.
I am thankful that I have all of the answers to any of the questions I ask within me.
healing yourself
Love is the power that heals all things.
A healthy body is my divine right.
I have full control over the health of my body.
I give myself full permission to heal.
I now release the pattern responsible for creating my illness.
I am willing to forgive myself and others.
I let go of any perceived pain that I have.
I am grateful that love I have for myself and others is the power that heals me.
I am grateful for my healthy body.
I am grateful that I have full control over the health of my body.
Thank you for my healing.
I am grateful that I have released the pattern responsible for my illness.
I am grateful that I have forgiven myself and others.
I am grateful that I let go of any perceived pain that I have.
I am willing to see things differently.
I let go of the need to always be right.
I accept the lesson that my pain is offering me.
Out of this situation, only good will come.
I am grateful that now I see things differently.
I am grateful that I let go of the need to always be right.
I am grateful for the lessons that my pain has taught me.
I am grateful that good has come out of a difficult situation.
each deep breath i take heals my body
My body is completely healthy now.
I visualize my body in perfect health
I am strong healthy and energetic
I eat natural foods that are alkalizing to my body
With each deep breath I take, it heals my body
My mind is always attuned to healthy thoughts
Thank you for my healthy body.
Thank you for perfect health.
I am grateful that I have a have a strong, healthy, and energetic body.
I am grateful that I choose to eat natural foods that are alkalizing to my body.
Thank you for my breath that heals my body.
Thank you for my mind that is attuned to healthy thoughts.
everyday i get healthier and grow STRONGer
Every day in every way, I grow healthy and stronger
I love every cell in my body.
I am healthy and strong.
I love my body and everything in it.
I give my body plenty of rest, sunshine, and healthy foods to thrive on.
I am grateful that I grow healthier and stronger every day.
I am grateful for each and every cell in my body.
I am grateful that I am healthy and I have a strong body.
I am grateful that I love my body and everything in it.
I am grateful that I give my body plenty of rest, sunshine, and healthy foods to thrive on.
Believing in yourself
I deserve a wonderful life.
I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
I am capable of all things.
I am organized and efficient.
I am successful in everything that I do.
I believe in my talents and abilities.
I finish what I start.
Thank you for my wonderful life.
I am grateful that I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
I am grateful for being capable of all things.
I am grateful that I am organized and efficient.
Thank you for my success in everything I do.
Thank you for my talents and abilities.
I am grateful that I finish what I start.
Receiving prosperity
The world is full of abundance.
I deserve all that is good.
Prosperity overflows in my life
I am a magnet to money and wealth.
Thank you for all of the abundance in this world.
Thank you for all of the good things in my life.
Thank you for the overflowing prosperity in my life.
Thank you for all of the money and wealth that keeps showing up in my life.
I am prosperous in all of the things that I do.
I am and will always be prosperous in my life.
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
I am a magnet to wealth and prosperity.
I am always in a state of fulfillment and joy.
I am grateful for my prosperous life.
I am grateful that I will always be prosperous.
I am grateful that money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
I am grateful that I am a magnet to wealth and prosperity.
I am grateful that I am always in a state of fulfillment and joy.
abundance fills my life
I am abundant.
I am powerful.
I am capable.
I accumulate money every single day.
Every time I spend money, I attract more back to me.
My monetary transactions benefit all who are involved.
I am grateful that I am abundant.
I am grateful that I am powerful.
I am grateful that I am capable.
I am grateful that I accumulate money every single day.
I am grateful that money comes back to me after I spend it.
I am grateful that my transactions benefit all who are involved.
I am a magnet for miracles.
Miracles happen all of the time.
I experience miracles every single day.
My life is full of blessings and miracles.
I can manifest anything that I desire.
I am living the life that I desire.
I am grateful that I am a magnet for miracles.
I am grateful that miracles happen all of the time.
Thank you for the miracles that show up in my life every single day.
Thank you for the blessings and miracles that show up in my life.
I am grateful that I can manifest my desires.
I am grateful that I am living the life I desire.
i trust in the process of life
I let go of all things that do not serve me.
I release the past and focus on the present moment.
I trust the process of life.
I release the fear of not being perfect.
When I let go I create space for something better.
I choose love over fear.
I am grateful that I have let go of all things that do not serve me.
I am grateful to release the past and focus on the present moment.
I am grateful that I trust the process of life.
I am grateful to release my fear of not being perfect.
I am grateful I have let go to create something better to take its place.
I am grateful that I choose love over fear.
BELIEVING in yourself
i believe in myself
I believe in myself.
I believe in my skills and abilities.
I am smart, competent, and able to achieve my dreams.
My self confidence is rising every single day.
I continue to learn and grow throughout my life.
I have a magnetic and contagious energy about me.
I am grateful that I believe in myself.
I am grateful in my skills and abilities.
I am grateful that I am smart, competent, and able to achieve my dreams.
I am grateful that my self confidence is rising every single day.
I am grateful that I continue to learn and grow throughout my life.
I am grateful that I have a magnetic and contagious energy about me.
attracting love
love is everywhere i look
Love is everywhere I look.
My heart is open to the vibration of love.
I deserve love and to be loved.
I attract love wherever I go.
I connect with others easily and deeply.
I know that my soul mate is out there and we will connect soon.
Thank you for the love that’s in my life.
I am grateful that my heart is open to love.
I am grateful that I deserve love and to be loved.
Thank you for the love that I attract wherever I go.
I am grateful for my deep connections with others.
Thank you for my soul mate connection.
all is well in my world
All is well in your world. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed and felt the powerful benefits of these positive affirmations. I believe that you are going to attract a miracle in your life today. Believe it and you shall receive it!